This is a great introduction to a new Substack; up-to-date and a challenge to the status quo. I wish you all the luck in changing scientists' endeavours from supporting lies with manipulated data and back instead to true science and the genuine search truth
There is not any +33C atmospheric greenhouse effect on Earth's surface. The currently observed Global Warming is caused by millenials long <b>ORBITALLY FORCED phenomenon</b>.
Really looking forward to this, but I think you should not post pictures of Greek sunsets - this is very unkind to those of us enduring a Scottish winter!
I'm so glad you're writing about this. Last summer we visited Greece (loved it!). As we drove from Athens to Olympia and Delphi, we passed countless olive trees and windmills perched on the mountains. Sadly, we also saw the devastating wildfires. Our local guide explained that many fires are intentional, as olive trees are protected and can't be cut down, making fires a way to "accidentally" clear land for development.
We are fighting our own battle in the U.S. against offshore wind development along our coast that is killing whales, dolphins and hundreds of species of marine life. The “climafia” as you say has clearly made this political to receive government subsidies for their businesses, because otherwise it is not a profitable, reasonable or necessary endeavor. They’re killing off nature in order to save nature. Does that make sense?
Keep writing the truth. The more truthful information is shared, the more informed the public becomes, reducing support for compromised politicians and revealing who is influenced by external interests.
I have read some of your academic work - thank you for doing it. On my Substack I advocate for the end of the ESG ideology that has adopted climalarmism. ESG is being used to implement policies no rational citizenry would choose in the guise of an ethics the pretends to be good, but which is fundamentally anti-human.
Thanks, Dave! I agree, EGS (environmental-social-governance) is anti-human. And it is a misleading name. A more accurate name is "global governance", but the most honest term is that used by Yuval Noah Harari (the counsel of the World Economic Forum/Davos/Klaus Schwab): The New Global Empire.
Thanks also for the term "climalarmism" Perhaps I should use this instead of "climess"?
"pleonasm", Thank you for adding to my vocabulary. I have called the switch from Anthropogenic Global Warming to Climate Change a tautology as you did, but you added this new term. Climate change has been a feature of Earth since the beginning and will continue making it a meaningless term much less a new God in the pantheon.
"curiosity", Thank you for including this term as well. I have been curious my whole life, usually for the better and occasionally for the worse; but all in search of "truth". Some say Newton's laws of physics gave some certainty to our world and that quantum physics took it away. ... I still believe truth exists and that we should use science and math to continue the search.
Looks like you have a great location for pursuing applied math. Another follower of Artemis!
Thanks, Bill! Glad to hear that you agree that Climate Change is a tautology--a pleonasm. Both words have Greek origin (ταυτολιγία, πλεονασμός). The latter was first used by Aristotle, I think, albeit within a different context--for surplus.
I am thankful to all for the warm receipt of my first Substack post of Climath: 1200 views (from North America, EU and UK, Australia and Africa) and >160 subscribers in just two days after launching!
I read some of your papers about the Hurst process maybe 10 y ago. Back then I was researching how to decide whether anything unusual was going on at all. I had an article by some professor who was using a Gaussian distribution as reference which seemed disingenuous to me.
Some time later there was a study in Nature stating that it is Hurst-like 250ky back. Which should have settled the question. Not sure whether anyone cared.
Glad to see that you want to make your research and thinking more broadly available. All the best for that effort.
I've been following Jacob Nordangård for quite awhile. I hope you can make a dent in the political machine the Rockefellers started long ago. Hopefully our moral ideals and science as the pursuit of the truth will prevail.
Thanks, Dan. I, too, have been following Jacob Nordangård and I've read his book on Rockefellers. He deserves our attention, but I do not think he is popular: Non-lefties hate to see that the climandate was not invented by lefties/communists. And lefties hate to see that their actions were designed by climoligarchs/contoligarchs/climafia.
In my country - Greece - we are blessed, mostly in summers, with plenty of sun and with plenty of wind.
And, it happens in summers, because of the hot and humid climate, there is the most electricity demand. The high electricity demand meets the peak of electricity production.
So everyone is happy then.
When the electricity demand in Greece lowers - at autumn and winter time, there also is less the solar and wind electricity production.
Yet, in winter there are times there is very little solar energy available, and wind is much weaker, especially in colder nights.
No problem, says the IPCC - you will have your storage batteries to support your electricity needs. The storage batteries will supply the necessary electric energy for houses heating, for the transportation, and for the factories etc...
Very-well, the problem is solved then!
But, there is always something I need to clear up. How those electricity storage batteries are going to be charged?
Thanks, Christos. Climate and energy are different things--only connected within the climandate. I am not discussing energy issues here--they are out of scope. Hopefully, we'll have the opportunity to discuss them in due time in other posts.
This is a great introduction to a new Substack; up-to-date and a challenge to the status quo. I wish you all the luck in changing scientists' endeavours from supporting lies with manipulated data and back instead to true science and the genuine search truth
Gongratulations Demetris.
There is not any +33C atmospheric greenhouse effect on Earth's surface. The currently observed Global Warming is caused by millenials long <b>ORBITALLY FORCED phenomenon</b>.
Really looking forward to this, but I think you should not post pictures of Greek sunsets - this is very unkind to those of us enduring a Scottish winter!
I thought this had been resolved... How can you endure a Scottish winter after so many years of global warming?
Looking forward to reading interesting articles like your first one that challenge the mainstream narrative by offering scientific evidence.
Best of luck!
I'm so glad you're writing about this. Last summer we visited Greece (loved it!). As we drove from Athens to Olympia and Delphi, we passed countless olive trees and windmills perched on the mountains. Sadly, we also saw the devastating wildfires. Our local guide explained that many fires are intentional, as olive trees are protected and can't be cut down, making fires a way to "accidentally" clear land for development.
We are fighting our own battle in the U.S. against offshore wind development along our coast that is killing whales, dolphins and hundreds of species of marine life. The “climafia” as you say has clearly made this political to receive government subsidies for their businesses, because otherwise it is not a profitable, reasonable or necessary endeavor. They’re killing off nature in order to save nature. Does that make sense?
Keep writing the truth. The more truthful information is shared, the more informed the public becomes, reducing support for compromised politicians and revealing who is influenced by external interests.
Thanks, Mary Ann, and for visiting Greece, for your comment and for your encouragement. I am glad you adopted my term "climafia".
I have read some of your academic work - thank you for doing it. On my Substack I advocate for the end of the ESG ideology that has adopted climalarmism. ESG is being used to implement policies no rational citizenry would choose in the guise of an ethics the pretends to be good, but which is fundamentally anti-human.
Thanks, Dave! I agree, EGS (environmental-social-governance) is anti-human. And it is a misleading name. A more accurate name is "global governance", but the most honest term is that used by Yuval Noah Harari (the counsel of the World Economic Forum/Davos/Klaus Schwab): The New Global Empire.
Thanks also for the term "climalarmism" Perhaps I should use this instead of "climess"?
I think climess is the result and climalarmism the cause, eo both have their place in an ironically toned discussion.
I think climess is the result and climalarmism the cause, so both have their place in an ironically toned discussion.
I think climess is the result and climalarmism the cause, eo both have their place in an ironically toned discussion.
NASA GISS ModelE seems to use this model
The only uniformly distributed noise that I've ever seen, I'd be happy to learn of other instances.
The derivation has lots of hand waving.
The model is tuned. i.e. fitted to a subset of existing data whether this will foul prediction is debatable.
But this is about ensemble prediction for weather forecast. Do they use it in climate models? I am not familiar anyhow...
I am assuming this paper has the same model, so I may be wrong.
The source code for the climate model is at
In file modelE2.1.2\model\ATMDYN_COM.F90
there is a subroutine which has no arguments, PERTURB_TEMPS, and for which the comment is wrong.
It rescales the temperature then adds in uniformly distributed noise on [-1, 1] before scaling back.
"pleonasm", Thank you for adding to my vocabulary. I have called the switch from Anthropogenic Global Warming to Climate Change a tautology as you did, but you added this new term. Climate change has been a feature of Earth since the beginning and will continue making it a meaningless term much less a new God in the pantheon.
"curiosity", Thank you for including this term as well. I have been curious my whole life, usually for the better and occasionally for the worse; but all in search of "truth". Some say Newton's laws of physics gave some certainty to our world and that quantum physics took it away. ... I still believe truth exists and that we should use science and math to continue the search.
Looks like you have a great location for pursuing applied math. Another follower of Artemis!
Thanks, Bill! Glad to hear that you agree that Climate Change is a tautology--a pleonasm. Both words have Greek origin (ταυτολιγία, πλεονασμός). The latter was first used by Aristotle, I think, albeit within a different context--for surplus.
I am thankful to all for the warm receipt of my first Substack post of Climath: 1200 views (from North America, EU and UK, Australia and Africa) and >160 subscribers in just two days after launching!
I am also grateful to Clintel for reposting it:
I read some of your papers about the Hurst process maybe 10 y ago. Back then I was researching how to decide whether anything unusual was going on at all. I had an article by some professor who was using a Gaussian distribution as reference which seemed disingenuous to me.
Some time later there was a study in Nature stating that it is Hurst-like 250ky back. Which should have settled the question. Not sure whether anyone cared.
Glad to see that you want to make your research and thinking more broadly available. All the best for that effort.
Thanks, Kr!
I hope to be able to discuss the Hurst-Kolmogorov dynamic here soon.
I've been following Jacob Nordangård for quite awhile. I hope you can make a dent in the political machine the Rockefellers started long ago. Hopefully our moral ideals and science as the pursuit of the truth will prevail.
Thanks, Dan. I, too, have been following Jacob Nordangård and I've read his book on Rockefellers. He deserves our attention, but I do not think he is popular: Non-lefties hate to see that the climandate was not invented by lefties/communists. And lefties hate to see that their actions were designed by climoligarchs/contoligarchs/climafia.
In my country - Greece - we are blessed, mostly in summers, with plenty of sun and with plenty of wind.
And, it happens in summers, because of the hot and humid climate, there is the most electricity demand. The high electricity demand meets the peak of electricity production.
So everyone is happy then.
When the electricity demand in Greece lowers - at autumn and winter time, there also is less the solar and wind electricity production.
Yet, in winter there are times there is very little solar energy available, and wind is much weaker, especially in colder nights.
No problem, says the IPCC - you will have your storage batteries to support your electricity needs. The storage batteries will supply the necessary electric energy for houses heating, for the transportation, and for the factories etc...
Very-well, the problem is solved then!
But, there is always something I need to clear up. How those electricity storage batteries are going to be charged?
Thanks, Christos. Climate and energy are different things--only connected within the climandate. I am not discussing energy issues here--they are out of scope. Hopefully, we'll have the opportunity to discuss them in due time in other posts.